Know Jesus
Have you ever longed for a perfect family or desired a relationship that wouldn’t let you down? The Bible says that these things are possible through an encounter with Jesus Christ. God loves you and He wants to be close to you… if you’re willing. The thing that separates us from God is our sin and selfish pride (Romans 3:23). But if we will turn from our sinful lifestyle and receive God’s forgiveness, our past can be cleaned up and we can get a new start! (I John 1:9, II Corinthians 5:17)
God gave His only Son, Jesus, and allowed Him to be put to death and then, raised Him from the dead, so that we could have this new life (John 3:16). Jesus paid the penalty for our sin, with His death on a cross, so that we could receive forgiveness and be close to God. Salvation is a FREE GIFT (Ephesians 2:8-9). John 1:12, states that those who receive this pardon from Jesus and believe in Him can become God’s children. Imagine that!! Finally, you can have a perfect parent and a dad who never makes mistakes! You can be saved from your past and the things that have haunted you by believing in what Jesus accomplished and then telling others about it (Romans 10:9-11). Your life can be transformed NOW by the power of God’s Spirit in you (Romans 12:1-2) and you’ll also be bound for eternal paradise in heaven when you leave this life on earth (John 14:1-3).
If you have made a decision to follow Jesus and be part of God’s family today, let somebody know, and be sure to learn more about your new life with other believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible is the source of all God’s promises for your life.